MTU 20V4000L32 generador de gas nuevo

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Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600
Power : 2000 Kw
Manifacturing Year : 2019
Fuel : Gas
Volts : 400
Frequency : 50 Hz
Hours : 0 (New)
Equipments : Generating Set, MMC, MPI, Gas Ramp Train, Control panel
Gas reciprocating genset MTU 20V4000L32 (before this unit was called MTU 20V4000L62) is the most powerful genset in the series 4000 L32 (electric capacity is 1948 kW). The specific feature of this series is ability to work in hot climate due to 2-steps cooling of the mixture with lager radiating surface.
-able to work on lean fuel mixtures;
-The most up-to-date electronic ignition with separate timing adjustment, selection ignition energy and detonation regulation;
-Quick regulator of mixture and load.
- Sliding gear starter 24V
MTU 20V4000L32 gas genset units:
Gas supply with electronically controlled gas metering valve
Electronic high-voltage capacitor ignition system with one ignition coil
per cylinder
Electronic speed governor for speed and power output control with
automatic knocking control
MTU 4000 Series L32
Engine model Electric capacity Heat capacity Generator voltage Electrical efficiency Fuel supply at 100% load Dimensions mm
MTU 16V4000 L32 MTU 16V4000 L32 1560 863 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.7 392 5500x2000x2600
MTU 8V4000 L32 MTU 8V4000 L32 776 446 0,4; 6,3 41,9 206 4200x2000x2400
MTU 12V4000 L32 MTU 12V4000 L32 1169 632 0,4;6,3;10,5 42.5 295 5000x2000x2400
MTU 20V4000 L32 MTU 20V4000 L32 1948 1035 0,4;6,3;10,5 42,6 492 6000X2000X2600