TICAB Printing System for packaging \ CMYK \ from the Manufacturer impresora nueva

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Trade Industrial Company AB
3 años en Machineryline
6 reseñas
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2.942 €
41.230.000 UZS
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2.454 €
34.390.000 UZS
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1) printing from 1 pc to 50 units per minute
2) low cost per copy - 0.01 euro/unit
3) flexibility - printing on different materials: paper bags, cardboard, boxes assembled and disassembled, envelopes, textiles, wood
4) easiness in operation, own development TICAB software
5) we are official partners of the american company Hewlett Packard
6) permanent technical support of customers
7) the ability to improve or change the equipment to the individual needs of the client with our own production and engineering potential
Ticab Printing System TPS is an innovative cantilever system. It allows to feed huge items beneath the print head. The print head can be adjusted up to 30 cm above the conveyor belt to feed folded cardboard boxes or other huge items.
High quality Hewlett Packard HP pigment ink provides resistance to the fading, scratches and water after the image dries.
Technical characteristics of the print head:
Print area width - up to 29.7cm (11.7 in)
Print area length - from 2.54 cm (1 inch) to 91.44 cm (36 inch)
Workpiece movement speed - up to 45.72 cm (18 in) per second
Printing speed - up to 90 arc\ min A4, up to 16 arc\ min A3
Print resolution - 1200x1200dpi
Number of inkjet nozzles - 59136 (14 printing zones of 4224 nozzles each)
Colors - CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
Ink type - water-based pigment ink
Information connection - Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T network port
Operating system - Windows (recommended Windows10)
HewlettPackard HP driver
TICAB software:
The current status of the printer is being monitored.
Number of prints is calculated - the total and the current task.
The calculation of the value of ink consumption.
Monitoring the current level of ink in the cartridges
Starting the printer nozzle maintenance and cleaning functions.
Starting the procedures for replacing the cleaning mechanism.
Calibrate the printer nozzles for linearity and color uniformity.
Start the procedure for high-speed printing of a large number of copies.
1. Ticab Printing System TPS (print head with HP Fl-1000 module, a positioning system with a conveyor belt for printing material, a control panel)
Additional options:
1. Feeder 600 Maxi (paper bag feeder with PRO handles)
2. Feeder 600 Mini (feeding device for flat objects)
3. Forwarding mechanism on the conveyor , Loading Tray LT(for printing on boxes)
4.Table with Loading Tray LT - table with receiving tray
5. Set of 4 CMYK paints
6. Cleaning cloth
TITAN is an innovative printing system. It allows you to feed small, medium-size, and huge items
beneath the printer head. The printer head can be adjusted up to 10 cm above the conveyor
belt. High quality Hewlett Packard HP pigment ink provides resistance to the fading, scratches,
and water after the image dries.
1) Average printing speed is 50 units per minute.
2) The opportunity to print from 1 copy without increased cost per piece.
3) No preparations or cliches are needed.
4) Low cost per copy is from 0.01 euro/unit (you will see an accurate amount on the monitor during
5) Printing on different materials: paper, carton, assembled and disassembled boxes), textile, wood,
and plywood.
6) Branded software from TICAB PRINT (included in the printer's price).
7) We are official partners of the Hewlett Packard Company.
8) You get permanent technical support before, during, and after purchasing.
9) Printer's components and accessories of our own design and production.
Technical characteristics of the printer head:
Print area width - up to 29.7cm (11.7 in)
Print area length - from 2.54 cm (1 inch) to 91.44 cm (36 inch)
Workpiece movement speed - up to 45.72 cm (18 in) per second
Printing speed - up to 50 arc\ min A4, up to 16 arc\ min A3
Print resolution - 1200x1200dpi
Number of inkjet nozzles - 59136 (14 printing zones of 4224 nozzles each)
Colors - CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
Ink type - water-based pigment ink
Information connection - Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T network port
Operating system - Windows (recommended Windows10)
Hewlett Packard HP driver
The new printing machine from TICAB PRINT has two print heads. Now, you can print in a single pass on large items. Your benefits:
• Enhanced workflows.
• Wider range or samples to print on.
• More comfort during printing.
We are official partners of the Hewlett Packard Company. You can get the TITAN DOUBLE printing machines at the manufacturer’s price. Online education and full technical support is provided.
1) Average printing speed is 50 units per minute.
2) The opportunity to print from 1 copy without increased cost per piece.
3) No preparations or cliches are needed.
4) Low cost per copy is from 0.01 euro/unit (you will see an accurate amount on the monitor during
5) Printing on different materials: paper, carton (assembled and disassembled boxes), textile, wood,
and plywood.
6) Branded software from TICAB PRINT (included in the printer's price).
7) Printer's components and accessories of our own design and production.
TITAN DOUBLE is an innovative printing system. It allows you to feed huge items
beneath the printer head. Printer heads can be adjusted up to 10 cm above the conveyor
belt. High quality Hewlett Packard HP pigment ink provides resistance to the fading, scratches.
and water after the image dries.
Technical Characteristics of the Printer head:
Print area width - up to 59.4cm (23.4 in)
Print area length - from 2.54 cm (1 inch) to 91.44 cm (36 inch)
Workpiece movement speed - up to 45.72 cm (18 in) per second
Printing speed - up to 50 arc\ min A4, up to 16 arc\ min A3
Print resolution - 1200x1200dpi
Colors - CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
Ink type - water-based pigment ink
Information connection - Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T network port
Operating system - Windows (recommended Windows10)
Hewlett Packard HP driver
TICAB software:
The current status of the printer is being monitored.
Number of prints is calculated - the total and the current task.
The calculation of the value of ink consumption.
Monitoring the current level of ink in the cartridges.
Starting the printer nozzle maintenance and cleaning functions.
Starting the procedures for replacing the cleaning mechanism.
Calibrate the printer nozzles for linearity and color uniformity.
Start the procedure for high-speed printing of a large number of copies.
We have the highest European quality, competitive prices. If we do not have an official representative office in your country, we are looking for a distributor there! We are looking forward to contact with you!
1) печать от 1 шт до 50 единиц в минуту
2) низкая стоимость экземпляра - 0,01 евро/единица
3) печать на различных материалах: бумажных пакетах, картоне, коробках в собранном и разобранном виде, конвертах, текстиле, дереве.
Стойкость пигментных чернил HP обеспечивает устойчивость к выцветанию, царапинам и воздействию воды после высыхания.
Технические характеристики печатной головы:
Ширина зоны печати-до 297мм (11,7 дюйм)
Длина зоны печати - от 2,54 см (1 дюйм) до 91,44 см (36 дюйм)
Скорость перемещения заготовок - до 18 дюймов в секунду
Скорость печати - до 90 листов в минуту размера А4, до 16 листов в минуту размера А3
Разрешение печати - 1200х1200dpi (с 600х600dpi) в режиме качества, 600х1200dpi (с 300х300dpi) в режиме производства
Количество струйных сопел – 59136 (14 зон печати по 4224 сопел)
Цветовая палитра-CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
Тип используемых чернил-пигментные на водной основе
Информационное подключение-Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T network port
Поддерживаемая операционная система-Windows (рекомендуется Windows10)
Программное обеспечение TICAB Print
Работа в операционных системах Windows-рекомендуется Windows 10.
Контроль за текущим состоянием принтера.
Подсчет количества отпечатков-всего и текущей задачи.
Расчет стоимости расхода чернил.
Контроль за текущими уровнями чернил в картриджах и за остатком механизма очистки сопел.
Запуск функций обслуживания и очистки сопел принтера.
Запуск процедур по замене механизма очистки.
Калибровка сопел принтера на линейность печати и равномерность цветов.
Запуск процедуры скоростной печати большого количества копий.
Система позиционирования принтера TPS:
1. основной модуль представляет собой стальную станину , установленную на регулируемых ножках, на которой закреплены вертикальные направляющие, которыми перемещаются каретки с вилкой. Подъем и фиксация осуществляется винтом с приводом, гайка которого закреплена на вилке, имеющей горизонтальные направляющие, по которым на каретках можно установить и зафиксировать принтер в необходимом положении.
2. конвейерная лента-устанавливается горизонтально на основном модуле и предназначена для протягивания заготовки с заданной скоростью через зону печати в приемный лоток.
3. Панель управления - имеет кнопки и регуляторы для управления исполнительными механизмами
Дополнительные опции:
1. устройство подачи бумажных пакетов с ручками Feeder 600 Maxi
2. устройство подачи плоских предметов Feeder 600 Mini
3. устройство для подачи коробок и других плоских предметов.
3. стол с приемным лотком
4. Набор из 4 красок
5. чистящее полотно