Constmach Stationary Crushing and Screening Plant (400 Ton/Hour Capacity planta trituradora nueva

Si decide comprar maquinaria a un precio inferior, póngase en contacto con el verdadero vendedor. Recopile toda la información que le sea posible sobre el propietario de la maquinaria. Una forma de engaño es presentarse como empresa. En caso de sospecha, infórmenos mediante el formulario de comentarios y sugerencias para que lo comprobemos.
Antes de confirmar una compra, revise detenidamente varias ofertas de venta para ver cuál es el precio medio del equipo elegido. Si el precio de la oferta que le interesa es mucho menor que el de ofertas similares, piénselo dos veces. Una diferencia de precio significativa puede conllevar a defectos ocultos o a un intento de fraude por parte del vendedor.
No compre productos cuyo precio diste mucho del precio medio de equipos similares.
No acepte compromisos dudosos o mercancías con prepago. Si no lo tiene claro, no dude en solicitar aclaraciones, pida fotos adicionales y documentos del equipo, compruebe la autenticidad de los mismos y pregunte todo lo necesario.
Esta es la forma más habitual de fraude. Ciertos vendedores pueden requerir una cantidad del pago por adelantado en concepto de «reserva» de su compra. Así, los estafadores perciben grandes cantidades de dinero y después desaparecen sin dejar huella.
- Transferencia de prepago a la tarjeta
- No realice un pago por adelantado sin documentación que confirme el proceso de transferencia de dinero, si durante la comunicación con el vendedor ha surgido alguna duda.
- Transferencia a una cuenta «fiduciaria»
- Dicha solicitud debe alarmarle, ya que en la mayoría de los casos se trata de fraudes.
- Transferencia a una cuenta de una empresa con un nombre similar
- Tenga cuidado, ya que los estafadores pueden ocultarse tras la identidad de empresas reconocidas, realizando modificaciones mínimas en su nombre. No transfiera dinero si tiene dudas sobre el nombre de la empresa.
- Sustitución de sus propios datos en la factura de una empresa real
- Antes de realizar una transferencia, asegúrese de que los datos especificados sean correctos y que aludan a la empresa en cuestión.
Contactos del vendedor

Our crushing and screening plants are designed considering key factors such as the type, hardness, and abrasiveness level of the material, the maximum feeding size, and the required final fractions. This detailed engineering approach ensures that the plant operates with maximum efficiency and minimum operational costs. Clients can choose from various types of crushers, including jaw crushers, impact crushers, cone crushers, and vertical shaft impact crushers (VSI). Additionally, different crusher types can be integrated into a single plant configuration to achieve the best performance for specific applications.
If you are looking for a crushing and screening plant for sale, Constmach offers a wide range of solutions tailored to your production needs. Moreover, our crushing and screening plant price options are competitive, providing high-quality equipment at cost-effective rates.
One of our strongest capabilities is our advanced 3D design technology, which allows our engineering team to create optimized plant layouts. These layouts incorporate feeders, crushers, screens, hoppers, washers, and conveyors, ensuring seamless material flow and high efficiency. With our high-tech automation system, powered by SIEMENS and SCHNEIDER electronic components and PLC, our plants provide smooth operation, precision control, and long-term durability.
Stationary Crushing Plants Technical Specifications
Production capacity: 50 - 1,000 tph
Configurations: Customized based on project requirements
Crushers available: Jaw, Impact, Cone, VSI (Vertical Shaft Impact)
Material suitability: Various types, including hard and abrasive materials
Final fractions: Customizable to meet client needs
High-tech automation: SIEMENS – SCHNEIDER electronic components & PLC system
Advanced 3D design: Optimized plant layouts for maximum efficiency
Energy-efficient and cost-effective operation
The choice of equipment and layout design depends on:
The desired production capacity
The number and sizes of required final fractions
The type and hardness of material being processed
Why Choose Constmach for Your Crushing and Screening Needs?
Constmach is committed to delivering high-quality, reliable, and cost-effective crushing and screening solutions. Our expertise in plant design and manufacturing ensures that each project is equipped with the most suitable machinery, helping clients maximize productivity while minimizing investment risks and operational costs.
Our engineering team works closely with clients to provide customized solutions that meet their exact production requirements. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, we carefully analyze the material characteristics, capacity demands, and site conditions to design a fully optimized plant.
Moreover, our crushing and screening plant price options are structured to provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on performance or durability. We understand that investment decisions require careful planning, which is why we focus on helping our clients avoid unnecessary expenses and maximize their return on investment.
With decades of industry experience, a strong reputation for quality, and a customer-centric approach, Constmach is your trusted partner for crushing and screening plant solutions. Contact us today to discuss your project and receive a tailored proposal from our expert team.